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About Us


Reproductive Psychiatry is a field dedicated to the evidence-based care of women throughout the life stages. The American Psychiatry Association does not recognize the field.   The Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education has not set requirements for psychiatry residents to be educated in the care of women during the perinatal period... not in the entirety of 4 years of post-medical school training. 


If you've felt dismissed, or confused by the messaging from health care professionals, this is why.  There is no training.




Conflicting guidance, and outdated information create confusion, and doubt.

 At Psychiatry for Women, we are passionate about ending the disparity affecting women in medicine. Our team are leaders in the field of Reproductive Psychiatry, pioneering dynamic education strategies to bring women across the country current and evidence-based information and treatment. 

The stunning truth is that women still haven't achieved equity.  Critically, not within medicine. We're here to change that.

What Professionals Say About Psychiatry For Women

“Dr. Julie Brownley is a psychologically minded, compassionate, and proactive clinician who approaches her work with a personal touch.  Anti-oppression lives in her bones and shows up in her case conceptualizations, and her advocacy work.  My patients have found her to be thoughtful, collaborative, engaging, and non-pathologizing.  As a colleague, Dr. Brownley is sharp as a tack, highly collaborative, and demonstrates her compassion and clinical skill as she seamlessly considers all aspects of a patient's symptoms and life circumstances that contribute to their presentation.  Dr. Brownley is one of my top go to referrals when my patients might benefit from medication."
Dr. Emery Ayers-Greenidge, Psy.D.  Founder and Director of matriARC
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